Wedding Ceremony Request

Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming marriage!

The decision to marry is one of the most significant life choices. We have learned preparation for your 'big day' is much more than planning a wedding. That's why our desire is to partner with you to obtain tools to build a marriage that will be enduring. 

Using the SYMBIS curriculum (Save Your Marriage Before It Starts), Biblical counsel, and practical support, we will help you begin your marriage with confidence and excitement. Due to the time needed to complete the pre-marital sessions, we ask for a minimum of 4 months prior to your wedding date to begin and complete SYMBIS.

We believe marriage is a sacred covenant established by God to teach one man and one woman to love each other with God’s kind of love, for better or worse, for a lifetime. It’s not a 50-50 proposition, but a 100% commitment by both people to love and serve one another.

We perform weddings for couples where both the man and woman are Christians. This is based on what the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:14-16, and also on experience that has shown there can be great tension caused by a couple not sharing a common spiritual foundation. If you are not certain about your faith, we would be happy to share with you what it means to be a Christians.

Date & Pastoral Request

Bride's Information

Groom's Information

Confidentiality Statement

  • We use an inventory called SYMBIS (Save Your Marriage Before It Starts). SYMBIS increases the awareness of the strengths and growth areas of a couple, stimulates discussion of important issues, and teaches communication and conflict resolution skills. It is not intended to predict marital success and it is not to replace professional judgment.

  • Premarital Mentors are godly men and women who have been married for at least 10 years. They are committed to God and to each other. They are not professionals in psychological counseling or psychiatric therapy and are not licensed. They have gone through SYMBIS training and receive supervision from the Lead Pastor at New Life Seacoast Church. If the mentors discover issues that they are not trained to handle, you may be referred to a professional counselor.

  • All communication between you and your mentors is considered confidential, except as required by law (i.e., where there is a threat of serious harm to self or others, as in the case of child abuse, suicide, or homicide). The mentors will also be receiving supervision from trained personnel.

Fees and Agreements

**There will be a fee of $57.00 for the SYMBIS assessment and (2) workbooks.
**A $250.00 minimum Pastoral honorarium is appreciated to cover all counseling sessions and wedding officiant duties.